Top tips for taking care of your wedding dress
Jun 17 ladyvallet
Top tips for taking care of your wedding dress

Your wedding day will be one of the most special days of your life. As the countdown begins to your wedding, you’ll be getting excited to pick your wedding dress, get your venue organised, choose your bridesmaid dress and so much more. Once you have picked your wedding dress, you’ll most likely be thinking – what are the best ways to take care of it? To help you with this, we have put together a guide on taking care of your wedding dress to ensure it’s in top condition both before and after your wedding.

Top tips for taking care of your wedding dress

Get it Expertly Cleaned

Wedding dresses are expensive and sentimental. Once you’ve worn your dress on your special day, you want to get it cleaned as soon as possible. The sooner you get it cleaned, the easier it will be to remove any dirt or stains that it’s got from all your celebrating. It’s recommended you get it cleaned at a professional dry cleaners as they know the best way to get out any stains or dirt without spoiling the fabric. 

Store it somewhere safe

Keep your wedding dress in a place that is safe and away from everyday activity. You don’t want to risk someone spilling anything on it or damaging it when trying to access something next to where it’s being stored. If you have children, keep away from any areas that they have access to. The more isolated your dress is, the easier it is to keep safe, reducing your stress of it being damaged – you pay a lot of money for one after all! 

Keep Your Dress Away from Windows

When storing your dress you should lay it flat or hang it in a wardrobe. If you decide to lay it flat in a room, be aware of keeping it away from the windows and being in direct view of the sun. Having the sun shine on it daily can cause damage to the dress, potentially discolouring it, as the sun does to your walls. When opting to store it in a wardrobe, be aware of the temperature as both extremes of being too hot or too cold can also damage your beautiful wedding dress. 

Hang your wedding dress correctly 

Many people will opt to hang their wedding dress as laying it flat can take up a lot of space, which they don’t necessarily have (especially if they are trying to hide it from their partner). There is nothing wrong with hanging as long as it’s done correctly. When hanging your dress, make sure you use the hang straps that are often located in the side seams. These straps are specifically designed to protect your dress when you are using a coat hanger. If you choose to hang it from the shoulders, the weight of the dress could cause it to stretch or snap, damaging it permanently. 

Apply perfume before wearing your dress

On your wedding day apply your perfume before putting your dress on. If you spray when your dress is on, you could risk it leaving a small stain that may be noticeable. The risk of this is small, however, it’s your special day and the last thing you want is a mark that could have been avoided. Once you have had all your photos taken, this is when you may want to become more lenient on this, especially as the night goes on. Our tip – wear a special perfume that you wear for the first time on that day. This way you’ll always remember the smell when wearing it after your wedding. 

Lay your dress flat when transporting 

To avoid any potential damage to your dress when transporting it, make sure it’s in its garment bag and lay it flat on the back seat. The bag will protect it from any potential damage from spillage or things landing on it. By laying it flat you will avoid it from creasing and damaging the delicate parts of the dress. If you don’t have space to lay it flat, use the hooks inside the roof of the car.

The above are 6 tips of many to help protect your wedding dress. When are you getting married? Have you got any tips that you think our readers would benefit from? Which of the above tips did you find most valuable? Let us know in the comment box below.